WCS Calendar 2024-2025

July 8 - R.O.M.E. Day 9:00 - 11:30 am

August 6  - First Day
September 2 - Labor Day (no school)
October 4 - end of 1st quarter
October 14-18 Fall Break
November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break
December 19  - end of 2nd quarter
December 20 - January 5 Christmas Break
January 6 - First Day Back
January 20 - MLK Day (no school)
February 17 - Presidents Day (no school)
March 11  - end of 3rd quarter
March 24 - 28 Spring Break 
April 18 - Good Friday (no school)
April 25 - Fish fry parade (no school)
May 1 - 6:30pm Annual WCS Recitation (Location TBA)
    (all students are required to be present at the recitation)
May 22  - Last Day / end of 4th quarter